Telekungnajwa specializes in high-quality Muslim prayer attire and accessories for women and children, including telekungs, prayer mats, bags, sarongs, and more. We are dedicated to offering products that blend comfort, elegance, and practicality for our customers’ spiritual needs.

Founded in 2012, Telekungnajwa started as a sole proprietorship with an online presence on social media platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram. Over the years, our brand has grown significantly, thanks to the trust and support of our customers.

Our headquarters is located in Seksyen 32, Shah Alam. To enhance accessibility, we launched our official online store at www.telekungnajwa.my, alongside our presence on marketplaces such as Shopee, Lazada, Mudah, and Carousell.

We serve a diverse range of customers, from individual retail buyers to wholesale clients. Our customers include boutiques, Umrah travel agencies, hospitals, schools, and government institutions. To reach even more communities, we work with a network of agents and resellers as part of our affiliate program.

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